My future job

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my future job. So, I'd like my future job to be on T.V. because I have always thought that I am made for that, since I am a very outgoing person, conversational and with a lot of personality. 

I'd like to go out and report on the streets, because I don't like being locked up.  I would also like to work as a photographer, for the same reason, I don't want to always be locked in an office.

I can always imagine going out on the streets asking people questions about some social or debate ality. I would also like to be working for the social networks of the T.V. channel to which it belongs.

Well, I don't like being in the same place that long either, so I wish could travel constantly. The place I'd like to travel to work would be New York City, and part of Europe, especially France. 

In my work I would like to earn enough to be able to pay my bills and personal things, as well as to be able to buy things and have a good time. I hope someday do the things I´ve always dreamed and be happy next to my cat. 


  1. Journalism is a career very versatile and I think that you could have many possibilities for meet all of you get propose. Good luck!


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